Nokia G20 was due for a launch in India, according to some rumours. And it has been a long time since these rumours began. Now, HMD has gone ahead with the launch but rather silently. The Nokia G20 is now listed on Amazon, along with the price and sale date. The next budget phone from HMD is going to be available for less than Rs 13,000 in India, as opposed to its European pricing that translates to roughly Rs 14,000. And while the Nokia G20 is going to go on sale in the next few days, HMD or Amazon has not said anything about the launch of the Nokia X20 5G phone.
Back in April, HMD held its biggest event this year so far to launch as many as six smartphones. These smartphones are important for the Finnish company, which has seen dwindling smartphone sales in India of late because they bring a new identity to Nokia’s phone lines. Instead of just numbers, the Nokia phones now have letters on them.
The six phones are Nokia X20, Nokia X10, Nokia G20, Nokia G10, Nokia C20, and the Nokia C10. The X-series is for 5G phones, while the rest of the phones use just 4G. And those two 5G phones, X20 and X10, come months after the company’s first 5G phone arrived. Nokia’s 5G line-up is already scarce as it is, and what deepens the problem is that HMD has not launched the X20 in India yet. The Nokia X20 may entice customers in India who are increasingly buying 5G phones, even though they are not sure when exactly they will be able to access it at their location. Both Airtel and Reliance Jio have scheduled commercial trials for the year-end or early next year.
Nokia G20 price
HMD has priced the Nokia G20 at Rs 12,999. This could be the price of the base variant that comes with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal memory. There is a variant with 128GB of storage and it is not currently clear if that will be available at the first sale or now. The Nokia G20 per-booking begins on July 7 while the first sale will be on July 15 through Amazon India and Nokia’s online store. On pre-booking, customers can get Rs 500 off on the purchase of Nokia G20 or they can go for a Rs 2,099 discount on the purchase of the combo of the Nokia G20 and Nokia Power Earbuds Lite.
Nokia G20 specifications
Display: The Nokia G20 sports a 6.5-inch HD+ display with a 20:9 aspect ratio.
Processor: Powering the Nokia G20 is a MediaTek Helio G35 processor.
RAM and Storage: You get 4GB RAM on the G20 and 64GB, 128GB storage configurations. There is also a microSD card slot.
Rear Cameras: The Nokia G20 has a 48-megapixel main camera, a 5-megapixel ultra-wide camera, a 2-megapixel macro camera, and a 2-megapixel depth-sensing camera.
Front Camera: You have an 8-megapixel front camera on the Nokia G20.
Battery: Backing the Nokia G20 is a 5050mAh battery with 10W fast charging via USB-C port.
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